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What is Positive Behaviour Support ?

A child exhibits positive behaviour, a key component of Positive Behaviour Support.
Adults engaged in a supportive group activity, demonstrating Positive Behaviour Support.

Positive behaviour support is a collaborative and evidence-based approach that aims to improve the quality of life for individuals experiencing challenging behaviours. It focuses on understanding the reasons behind these behaviours and developing strategies to replace them with more positive ones. Positive behaviour support is suitable for individuals of all ages and abilities. 

How can positive behaviour support benefit you?

CPBS offers a comprehensive range of services that seek to:

  • Reduce the occurrence and severity of behaviours that are of concern to you

  • Support improvements in your communication

  • Assist you in developing social skills

  • Increase your independence and community participation

  • Create a safer and more supportive environment for you

  • Achieve outcomes which are important to you


Positive Behaviour Support:

  • Is function-based – seeking to meet your needs
  • Is person-centred – it is all about you!
  • Upholds human rights
  • Promotes quality of life
  • Uses a range of interventions – it is not one size fits all
  • Improves your environment
  • Supports the development of new skills
  • Is based in science – it works!

How is Positive Behaviour Support at CPBS unique?

At CPBS we utilise the Multi-Element Behaviour Support (MEBS) framework. These principles and strategies help our clinical teams create powerhouse programs that enhance the learning and development of the people we support. MEBS is an effective and socially valid behaviour support approach for supporting people who live with challenging behaviours to lead better lives.

The Multi-Element Behaviour Support framework consists of 4 key components

This incorporates a comprehensive functional behaviour assessment where we seek to understand the person’s life, what they have experienced to date from their point of view and what is needed within a plan to help them to reach their goals and aspirations.

This is where a support plan is developed from the information obtained in the assessment. This includes both proactive and reactive strategies centred around the behaviour of concern. Proactive strategies incorporate changes in the environment, skills for teaching and prevention strategies to reduce occurrence of behaviour while reactive strategies incorporate the situational management plan for how to respond when behaviours do occur.

This refers to assessing and the inclusion of strategies within the support plan specific to the people that are required to implement and achieve the outcomes of the support plan. This looks at who is going to be involved in implementation, identifies any barriers to success and any specific training or systems required.

Lastly, central to the whole approach is the outcomes that we are seeking to achieve. MEBS support plans produce a broad and important range of outcomes. Through careful evaluation our practitioners ensure that each plan seeks to reduce the occurrence and severity of behaviours of concern, produce changes that last and occur across settings, and most importantly are valid for you, leading to improved quality of life!

Where Can You Access Positive Behaviour Support Services?

Teenagers Receiving Positive Behaviour Support from CPBSHome – Therapy at home provides a safe and familiar environment where participants can feel at ease. This approach often leads to a more open and honest dialogue, as participants are in a space where they feel secure. Additionally, our practitioners can observe the natural interactions and routines within the home, allowing them to better understand the underlying dynamics.  

School/Work – We understand that school and work are significant parts of life, and challenges in these areas can impact overall well-being. Our therapy services are available in educational and professional settings, where our practitioners can observe and address issues in real-time. Whether it’s academic stress, workplace performance, or interpersonal relationships, we provide targeted support that is directly applicable to the participants’ everyday experiences. 

Community – We understand that school and work are significant parts of life, and challenges in these areas can impact overall well-being. Our therapy services are available in educational and professional settings, where our practitioners can observe and address issues in real-time. Whether it’s academic stress, workplace performance, or interpersonal relationships, we provide targeted support that is directly applicable to the participants’ everyday experiences. 

Positive Behaviour Support Services - NDIS funding

Positive Behaviour Support - Improved Daily Living or Fee for Service:

This program is for individuals or families who require support for challenging behaviours but don’t have funding under the Improved Relationships budget. Our Practitioners will use a person-centred approach to understand the individual’s needs.

Positive Behaviour Support Plan - Improved Relationships or Behaviour Support Funding:

This program is designed for individuals with NDIS funding under the Improved Relationships budget. Our registered Positive Behaviour Practitioners will work with you and your support network to develop a personalised plan that addresses your specific needs.

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